
Summer Is Coming But Stay Alert!

C G15/6/20

We all love Summer! However, we must prevent a second wave of covid-19 from happening by respecting social distancing and other safety measures. Let us stay alert.   At Topglobe, we not only sell world globes, we are part a local and global community we thrive with.      ...

Global Observances: World Oceans Day!

C G10/6/20

As the UK Best Friends Day and the International World Oceans Day coincided on the last 8th of June, we decided to write about the former two days ago and to talk about the latter today. We would like to take the opportunity to remind you that there are only...

National observances: Best friends day!

C G 8/6/20

Just a few days after most countries declared the re-opening of some activities interrupted by the COVID-19 peak, a racial turmoil has swept around the world following the killing of George Floyd by an American policeman. As the world is protesting against racism, mixed looting of stores in some cities...

Covid-19: No second wave attitudes

C G 2/6/20

The UK government has relaxed the lockdown with the possibility of a group of 6 people to meet at a distance of 2 meters between different households. The news seems to have given a green light to many to act irresponsibly. Some people are seen outside at a distance that...

Covid-19: Stay Alert From Stay Home

C G12/5/20

In his recent announcement, the UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, revealed the new response to the coronavirus pandemic consisting in a five-tier alert system. The virus threat has been categorised on a scale of five levels: Level 1: the disease is no longer present, so it is a return to...