National observances: Best friends day!

C G 8/6/20

Just a few days after most countries declared the re-opening of some activities interrupted by the COVID-19 peak, a racial turmoil has swept around the world following the killing of George Floyd by an American policeman.
As the world is protesting against racism, mixed looting of stores in some cities such as New York, we would like to remind all of us that there is hope for a better world.

Today particularly marks a day of best friendships. We should, therefore, regardless of our background, social status, nationality, and skin colour celebrate the day.

Life without F (standing for friends) is a lie. There are many friends out there without whom our life would be insipid. Let us pay tribute to all these close-knit people with love for one another.

At Topglobe, we promote equality and diversity.


#Bestfriendsday #World_globe



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